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Quote from Eric in Who Wants It More?

[split-screen of Donna with Jackie and Eric with Hyde:]
Donna: Jackie, that's really annoying.
Eric: Knock it off, Hyde!
Jackie: Donna, is there something you need to talk about?
Hyde: Oh, crap. Do you need to talk about something?
Donna & Eric: Can you keep a secret?
Jackie: Not really.
Hyde: Yeah. Unless I can burn you with it later.
Donna: I'm holding out on Eric.
Eric: I'm holding out on Donna.
Jackie: Oh, Donna, that's great!
Hyde: Forman, that's hysterical.
Jackie & Hyde: So, how long has it been?
Donna & Eric: Three of the longest days of my life. Maybe I should just cave.
Jackie & Hyde: No!
Hyde: Hey, if you cave, she owns you.
Jackie: When he caves, you own him.
Eric: Yeah, but there's no way she wants it as bad as I do.
Hyde: Can you blame her?
Donna: I think I want it more than Eric.
Jackie: Eww. Why?
Hyde: Forman, sex is how women control men.
Jackie: Donna, sex is how we control men. If they ever find out we want it too, we'll never get jewelry again.
Hyde: Secretly, I believe they like it as much as we do.
Eric: Oh. You and your crazy conspiracies.

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