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Quote from Jackie in Crazy Little Thing Called Love

Dr. Hammond: Jackie, first tell me about some of the other men that you had feelings for.
Jackie: Okay. Well, there's Michael, who cheated on me. And then there's Steven, who would rather vandalize a car than commit to a relationship. And now there's Fez, who's been after me for years and is really very sweet, but I never paid any attention to him 'cause, you know, he's foreign.
Dr. Hammond: Wow. He seems like a fine man. Or at least he is now. Before you get your sadistic female claws into him and make him forget that he is even a man at all.
Jackie: Okay, well, none of this matters anyway because, of course, now that I like Fez, he has a girlfriend.
Dr. Hammond: Have you ever considered that you only like unavailable men? I mean, the others were emotionally unavailable. But you weren't interested in Fez until he was taken.
Jackie: Wow. So I don't really like Fez, I just think I like him 'cause he has a girlfriend?

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