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Quote from Jackie in Red Fired Up

Donna: Jackie, it's great to see you so happy. And strong. And over Kelso. You're like a rock. You're like a tiny little rock.
Jackie: Donna, are you trying to tell me bad news, or are you making fun of my butt?
Donna: No. Your butt's fine.
Jackie: Fine?!
Donna: Glorious. Whatever. Look, Kelso's dating Laurie.
Jackie: [gasps] I don't care.
Donna: Oh, come on. How can you still have feelings for him?
Jackie: Donna, I don't have feelings for him. I just hate that bitch for making him happy.
Donna: Oh, believe me. She will make him more miserable than you ever did.
Jackie: Oh, Donna. Thank you. I'm gonna pray to God that you're right.

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