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Quote from Red in Kiss of Death

Red: Hey there, Midge. Kitty, uh, insisted I bring this over to show our sorrow because of your loss.
Bob: Aw, thanks, Red. We were all sittin' around reminiscing about our dear departed cat, Mr. Bonkers J. Pinciotti.
Midge: Do you have a story you want to share, Red?
Bob: We'd sure appreciate it, seeing as how your son killed him.
Red: Okay. Well, I remember he used to come into my yard and, uh... And, uh... You know, I'd throw a bucket at him, or spray him with a hose, and he'd run away. Then he'd come back. I'd do it again. I guess you... You could say we kinda had our own thing. Wow. [clears throat] Well... Okay. Enjoy the casserole. [exits]
Bob: We set up a Mr. Bonkers memorial slide show in the other room.

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