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Quote from Hyde in Laurie Moves Out

Kelso: Hey, Hyde, thanks for your help with Jackie, man.
Hyde: Sure thing, man.
Kelso: Okay, Hyde, do you know what sarcasm is?
Hyde: No.
Kelso: Hyde, man, you almost got me caught.
Hyde: I almost got you caught? "My mom sewed my name in Eric's shirt"? You are so lame, man.
Kelso: Well, you know, half the time you act like you want me to get caught.
Hyde: Kelso, you're my friend. I don't want you to get caught. 'Cause if you get caught, then my fun is over. Right? So I'm just trying to prolong your suffering.
Kelso: Well, okay, that's a little better.
Hyde: All right. Friends for life, baby. Yeah.

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