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Quote from Kitty in Red's Birthday

Kitty: Okay, now I want your father to enjoy this birthday, so we're all going to try our best to make it good. [Laurie enters] Except for Laurie, who's going to stumble in smelling like cigarettes and beer.
Laurie: Hey, at least I'm here.
Kitty: Well, you better be here with a present. I gave you $20 yesterday.
Laurie: God, relax.
Kitty: Oh, you can it, Laurie.
Eric: Yeah, can it, Laurie.
Kitty: Can it, Eric.
Laurie: Yeah, can it, Eric.
Kitty: I thought I told you to can it.
Eric: Tell her to can it.
Hyde: Why don't you both can it?
Eric & Laurie: Can it!

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