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Quote from Red in Young Man Blues

Eric: Okay, that's it. I can't fix it. I just... I can't do it.
Red: Oh, what's the problem now? Did the fuzzy dishtowel jump out and attack you?
Eric: I can't believe you said you failed with me.
Red: Oh, come on. That was a joke. You know, like, "A priest and a rabbi walk into a bar," or "I failed with you."
Eric: Do you really think that?
Red: No, not completely. I mean... Maybe you're not good at fixing stuff. But you stayed behind from school to help the family out. And that's admirable.
Eric: Yeah. Yeah, it is. Some might say it's the greatest gift a son could give his father.
Red: No, the greatest gift a son could give his father is a Heisman Trophy.

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