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Quote from Hyde in Hey, Hey, What Can I Do?

Hyde: Hey, man. Long time no see. When my dad left, my mom signed me up for the Big Brother program, and I got Roy. We had some good times before you left town.
Roy: Yeah, and moved in with a wonderful woman.
Hyde: Oh. What happened?
Roy: She found out I was living there.
Hyde: Roy has some problems with people.
Roy: They don't like me. Yeah. You don't like me, right?
Jackie: Not really. But to be fair, I have very high standards.
Roy: Yeah? She's really nice, Steven.
Hyde: Hey, so what are you doing here?
Roy: I work here. Hotel kitchen manager. I was gonna put out word that we were looking for a cook but then I figured, why bother? They'll just leave me like everybody else.
Jackie: So, Roy, seem a little depressed there.
Roy: Yeah, I'm teetering on the brink.
Hyde: Maybe I can do something to cheer you up.
Roy: Really? Oh, that'd be great.

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