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Quote from Eric in The Battle of Evermore

Joanne: Let's get started. "To make room for a new trading post, Paul Bunyan needs to clear-cut 200 acres of forest. The first team to chop 25 logs wings." And chop!
[Eric struggles to remove the ax from the stump]
Eric: Um, excuse me. My ax is stuck.
Charlie: Way to go, Mitch.
Mitch: That's right! We bad!
Charlie: Oh, yeah, we bad!
Red: Pull the ax out, Eric.
Eric: I can't. It's really stuck in there.
Red: And you think you're ready to be married. You can't even chop wood. What are you gonna do for heat in the winter, burn comic books?
Eric: Hmm, I don't know. I guess I would probably just turn on the heater!

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