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Quote from Kitty in Career Day

Kitty: Could someone help me get Mr. Anderson on the gurney, please?
Eric: I'll give you a hand, Mom. Okay. So, what's wrong with him?
Kitty: He's dead.
Eric: Oh, my- What? Didn't we just see this guy a half an hour ago?
Kitty: Oh, um, honey, he was dead then. I didn't have the heart to tell you. I'm so sorry you didn't get a chance to meet him.
Eric: Wait, Mr. Anderson? Isn't this the guy you always talked about at dinner? The guy whose daughter just got married?
Kitty: Yeah. Yeah, he just showed me the pictures. It was a beautiful wedding. I'm gonna miss him. So, okay, you grab that end, and let's get moving. We have to serve dinner in 20 minutes.

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