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Quote from Jackie in Stolen Car

Jackie: [answers phone] Hello?
Kelso: Jackie! Oh, thank God you're home. I was driving a stolen car and I got arrested.
Jackie: Oh, Michael, this is just like the book Prisoner of Love where Cliff, the rugged yet sweet motorcycle mechanic was thrown into jail. And then his true love, Tasha, was forced to be a slave girl for this really rich, mean guy.
Kelso: Jackie, I'm not kidding around. I'm really in jail.
Jackie: Oh, my God. Are you okay?
Kelso: Yeah, I guess. But I'm a little cold. It's lonely in the joint, Jackie.
Jackie: My God. You're really in jail. What if you never get out?
Kelso: That would really suck.
Jackie: Yes, it would, Michael. And I promise the minute you get out of prison, I'm gonna prove my love to you.
Kelso: Cool. Thanks.
Jackie: Michael, do you even know what I'm saying to you?
Kelso: Yeah. No.
Jackie: We're gonna make love, you idiot.
Kelso: All right!

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