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Quote from Donna in Battle of the Sexists

Eric: What are you doing?
Donna: Just shooting some hoops, waiting for an apology.
Eric: Well, when you think of one, I'll be glad to hear it.
Donna: [sighs] Okay, look we're both acting like jerks. I'm sorry.
Eric: Yeah, I'm sorry, too.
Donna: You know, maybe we shouldn't play basketball anymore. Or any games, for that matter.
Eric: Yeah, maybe. End of an era, huh?
Donna: Hey, remember when we were eight and I beat you at wrestling? That was fun.
Eric: Donna, you sat on my chest and made me eat a clump of dirt.
Donna: All right, screw it. You want to just play?
Eric: Yeah, I do. Hey, you're not going to make me eat a clump of dirt again, are you?
Donna: We'll see.

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