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Quote from Hyde in Dine and Dash

Hyde: I'll go first.
Donna: Hyde, we're not doing this. And especially not you, 'cause you're on probation.
Hyde: So what?
Eric: So what? You get caught, you go to jail, and I've heard nothing good about jail.
Hyde: I haven't done one stinking illegal thing since I got probation.
Eric: So, what, you're mad because you haven't committed any crimes since your last crime?
Hyde: Yeah, so I'm going.
[After Hyde stands up and puts his jacket on, he walks towards the podium. He feels Caroline and the wait staff staring at him. Caroline moves from behind the podium to block the door way.]
Caroline: [slow motion] Can I help you?
[Hyde looks at the other staff and customers and then winces, shaking his head, before running back to his table]
Kelso: What happened?
Hyde: This place is like Alcatraz, man.

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