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Quote from Red in Red Sees Red

Kitty: You know, I have an interesting idea. Why don't we not punish him? Why don't we try a little of that forgiveness that Jesus was always talking about?
Red: No, no. This is for his own good. Look, in order for Eric to be a happy, well-adjusted adult he has to be miserable now. That's just good parenting. If I was to be Mr. Nice Guy now do you know what would happen to Eric in a few years? Do you?
Red: Oh, Eric. Breakfast.
[Eric enters dressed like Gene Simmons from KISS]
Kitty: Well, there's my sweet little baby boy.
Red: Why, oh, why didn't I discipline you?
Eric: Shut up and eat your cornflakes.
Red: That's what. Never surrender, Kitty. Never retreat. We're winning. The fact that Eric was desperate enough to climb out his window shows that everything is working.

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