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Quote from Eric in The First Time

Donna: God. Their marriage almost ended. They put me through hell, and now that they're getting back together, it's like it doesn't even mean anything. How am I supposed to write about love when they are the worst example in the entire world?
Eric: No, no. Okay, look, they may not be the best example, but they do love each other. They just can't express it, or... Really any thoughts more complex than "I'm hungry." But the important thing is that they really do love each other.
Donna: Yeah. I guess they do.
Eric: They do! You know they do. And that's why they need you to say what they can't say... Because, despite your bimbo-like good looks, you're very smart. Look, write the vows that you would write. And, Donna, I know... I know it'll be great.

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