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Quote from Kitty in Laurie and the Professor

Professor Stark: Hello, Laurie. I apologize for coming unannounced, but I...
Laurie: Mom, Daddy, this is Professor Stark. He was my art history teacher.
Professor Stark: Well, actually, I was your psychology teacher.
Eric: Well, whatever you taught her, she flunked it.
Red: Eric. So, you're from the, uh, University of Wisconsin? Are you here to give me back my money?
Professor Stark: Well, actually, I came here because of Laurie.
Laurie: Oh, yes. He came to see if the university would take me back.
Kitty: Really? Oh, please, here, have a seat. I'll make coffee and cake... I'll make coffee cake. And coffee! [laughs] Oh, gosh, really, can you get her back into the university and out of my house?

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