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Quote from Red in Crazy Little Thing Called Love

Hyde: Oh, hey, Red. I'm glad you're here, man. Things are just falling apart down here. It's freezing in my room and the TV is broken and this thing just popped right out of the washing machine.
Red: Jeez, I'm gone for one day and the whole house goes to hell.
Hyde: Yeah. It's a good thing you're here, though, so you can fix everything.
Red: You know what? I'll get to this stuff later.
Hyde: Later?
Red: Yeah, I was thinking about what you said this afternoon at the record store. You're right. I do deserve to slow down and enjoy my retirement. So, right now, I'm going fishing.
Hyde: Yeah, but it's, like, 10 degrees in my room! Can I at least call a repairman?
Red: Sure. But you're paying for it. I'm on a fixed income. I'm retired.

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