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Quote from Donna in Misfire

Donna: Jackie, you can't marry Kelso. Picture what your life would be like.
Jackie: Hi, honey, how was your day?
Kelso: Ah, great. I had another affair.
Jackie: What?
Kelso: Hey, you told me not to lie.
Jackie: Yeah, I told you not to lie or cheat.
Kelso: Right and I chose not to lie.
Jackie: Well, can I at least have some money for groceries?
Kelso: Sorry, babe, I got fired again, but I know what will make you feel better.
Jackie: Oh, no! Not another box of dogs.
Kelso: It's another box of dogs!
Jackie: Oh, no, no, no, Michael. This is not the life I pictured. I had dreams of a career, of travel. Of a husband who didn't have a girlfriend.
Kelso: Babe, I hear ya, I do, I really do. But you know what! Pantsed you! Burn! [chuckles] Hey, kids, I pantsed your mom again! Who wants to jump off the roof?
Donna: That's your life, Jackie.
Jackie: Oh, yeah? Well, just for that, I'm gonna toss my bouquet while you're in the can.

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