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Quote from Kelso in Street Fighting Man

Kelso: Excuse me, excuse me. Hey, I'm back.
Hyde: Um, where's Fez?
Kelso: Oh, I left him outside like we always do. But I like how you made him come in and out just to make him think we weren't screwing with him. Burn!
Hyde: Kelso, we're not trying to burn Fez. We're just trying to all watch the game together.
Kelso: Okay, this is Kelso you're talking to here. All right, who's getting burned? Is it me? Because if it is, I'll just let it happen.
Hyde: No. No one's getting burned. Now go out and get Fez.
Kelso: All right, fine. I'll go get Fez, and you can just surprise me. [winks]

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