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Quote from Eric in Can't You Hear Me Knocking

Fez: Wait a minute, it's just a dogcatcher van.
Eric: Well, hello, that's exactly what the Feds want us to think.
Fez: But I just heard dogs barking inside.
Hyde: It's obviously a tape recording of trained dogs. The barking's too self-conscious.
Kelso: Plus, a dogcatcher van wouldn't just say "dog catcher" on the side of it, 'cause otherwise the dogs would see it and just run away.
Eric: On three. One, two, three!
[A group of dogs run out of the van when the guys open the back doors]
Fez: I don't understand.
Hyde: Look, I don't know if it's the fresh air talking, but I'm starting to think this whole thing's just our imagination.
Eric: You know what, you guys, maybe we just need to let this whole fantasy world of ours go. [swinging light saber] Whoa. Watch out, man, I almost just cut you right in half there.

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