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Quote from Eric in (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction

Red: Have you checked your muffler lately?
Eric: I'm gonna be honest with you, I haven't. But that green, liquid stuff under the hood seems to be at a really healthy level.
Donna: [whispers] Coolant.
Eric: Donna, I think I can handle this, okay? You cool it.
Red: All right, that's it. We're going to the muffler shop. This whole family is gonna learn a little lesson in muffler care today.
Kitty: Well, it's not a trip to Europe, but at least I get out of the house.
Eric: Wait a second. You're not just tricking me into the car and really taking me to the pediatrician for a booster shot, are you?
Red: No.
Eric: Good. 'Cause that only works twice.

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