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Quote from Eric in Time is on My Side

Eric: Hey, so, uh... Look, I think we need to talk about us, since the matrimonial incident. I mean, we've seen each other, but we haven't really talked about anything.
Donna: Yeah, but it's been nice, right? I mean, I'm sick of talking about us. And I'm not mad, because you were right. I mean, we were about to make a huge mistake. I can't live in a trailer with you. I'd hear you going to the bathroom.
Eric: Yes, I had thought about that. I was only going to go in a bottle after you were asleep, so...
Donna: See, remember when our relationship was the most fun thing in our lives? And then we put all this pressure on it. I wish we could just, you know, hang out without all that stuff. [removes towel]
Eric: Holy Mother of God.
Donna: Do you like it?
Eric: Are you kidding? Yes. It's good. I think it's, like, a sign that you're loosening up. Like, maybe now you might like that thing I try in bed that makes you mad.
Donna: I won't.
Eric: I'll still try.
Donna: See, this is great. Your perviness is our biggest problem now.
Eric: Just like the old days!

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