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Quote from Eric in My Wife

Donna: Casey Kelso?
Casey: Hey, Pinciotti.
Jackie: Casey, I thought you left town after going out with Donna and then breaking up with her so she had to settle for Eric.
Casey: Yeah, well, I found my way back. Hey, For-play. You been working out?
Eric: Oh, um, well, yeah, a few days a week.
Casey: Oh, man, I'm just kidding.
Eric: Okay.
Donna: Well, it's not funny. He's huge. Things are great. Eric and I are getting married. I'm on the radio... "Hot Donna." You might've heard people talking, wishing they could date me, that kind of stuff.
Jackie: Yeah, I mean, Donna hasn't thought about you at all, although Eric's mom still asks about you. Then she kind of giggles and fans herself.

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