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Quote from Kelso in Sparks

Hyde: Hey, so, how do you plan on steering this thing on land?
Kelso: [holds up oar] Duh.
Fez: Kelso, I think you should wear a helmet just in case anything goes wrong.
Kelso: Fez, I'm riding an open canoe down a rocky mountainside. What could possibly go wrong?
Hyde: I think I'm with Fez on this helmet thing.
Kelso: Oh, no, I'm not falling for that one.
Hyde: Falling for what?
Kelso: The old helmet gag.
Hyde: Kelso, I just want you to protect your head from being crushed like a berry.
Kelso: Yeah, you'd like that, wouldn't you? Now, let go of the ropes and watch me fly!
Fez & Hyde: One, two, three.
Kelso: Whoo-hoo! [canoe doesn't move] Whoo-hoo! [canoe still doesn't move]
[When Kelso steps out of the canoe and throws the oar inside, the canoe slides down the mountainside]
Kelso: Oh, man! Stupid thing. Oh! Oh, man, that could've been me!

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