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Quote from Fez in Squeeze Box

Donna: I can't believe Eric lied to me about that girl. I mean, we're getting married. I should know everything about him. If I have to know that he wore a bathing suit in the tub until he was 12... Yeah, tell everybody. I should know who he dated.
Mitch: That's right, just... Just get it off your chest, Donna. All the rage and the anger and the clothing.
Fez: Hey, hey, hey. There's only room for one creepy pervert in this group, and that's me. Around here, I'm the one who drools over all the ladies.
Mitch: Well, I don't drool over all the ladies, just Donna.
Fez: A specialist, huh? Okay, we'll try it your way.
Donna: Oh, my God. You don't... You don't think Eric and that girl...
Mitch: Made sweet emotional love? Yes, I do.
Fez: I bought many a Slurpee from her. And from what I can tell, she'll do it with anyone.
Donna: Well, did she do it with you?
Fez: No. She has way too much self-respect for that.

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