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Quote from Red in Squeeze Box

Kitty: Red, how could you?
Red: Kitty, we just opened the door, and there she was. What was I supposed to do, rip the eyes out of my head?
Pamela: Don't feel bad, you guys. Now, this isn't the first time my body has caused a fight. One time I caused a riot on a topless beach in Venezuela. Imagine what you saw, only all tanned and oiled.
Hyde: Huh! [Jackie slaps Hyde's arm] She told me to.
Bob: Well, I hate to let the cat out of the bag and then leave, but looks like that's exactly what we're gonna do.
Pamela: Enjoy your fight. [both exit]
Jackie: I can't believe you saw my mother topless and didn't tell me about it right away.
Hyde: What, so every time I see another woman's breasts I'm supposed to tell you? [off Jackie's look] Now I know.
Kitty: I am so mad. I can't even stand to look at you.
Red: And yet you do. Because your eyes work. You see my problem? All right. All right. We're going.

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