Dina Quote #643

Quote from Dina in Zephra Cares

Dina: How's the interview going?
Amy: Honestly, really great, and I know that sounds braggy, but bragging is really working for me right now. I think I've won her over.
Dina: Oh, that is awesome. That means it probably won't even matter when this whole thing goes to [bleep].
Amy: What?
Dina: We're short on care packages. There won't be enough once the next bus arrives. I probably should've led with that, but you just kept talking and talking about how great you're doing. Anyway, guess these needy women are gonna stay needy.


 ‘Zephra Cares’ Quotes

Quote from Jonah

Amy: I don't know. I- I don't know how to brag about myself. It feels gross, and now I'm supposed to take a charity and make it all about me.
Jonah: Hey, you took their empty slogan and did something actually great with it. You deserve to brag a little bit. I think you should be on all the websites. I mean, except for the incel ones. And most of Reddit. 4chan, 8chan... I hope you're never on a website.

Quote from Garrett

Dina: Garrett, you're only giving packages to people with wristbands.
Glenn: Wait, so we're just gonna turn people away 'cause they don't have a wristband?
Garrett: So for all intensive purposes, people in need without a wristband are dead to us.
Dina: "Intensive purposes?" Did you mean "intents and purposes?"
Garrett: I mean, you could say it both ways.
Dina: [chuckles] You can, but one way makes you sound like an idiot. You're lucky you're pretty.
Garrett: All right, you know what? I know what it... You're lucky I'm pretty!

Quote from Cheyenne

Cheyenne: Well, I read Zephra does blood diamonds.
Jonah: What do you mean by "does?"
Cheyenne: Uh, I don't know. I didn't click on it.