Mateo Quote #179

Quote from Mateo in District Manager

Garrett: Why are you shutting the blinds?
Mateo: [whispers] So no one can see us.
Garrett: Oh, you're afraid we might get caught changing your register scores?
Mateo: Fine. Can we just change the scores so we can get out of here?
Garrett: All right, I'm just looking for the right window. Glenn's taxes, Google search for "how many tomatoes in the world", his church's MySpace page. Ah, here we are. Employee records. Your UPM score is now 120.
Mateo: 120? Isn't that kinda high?
Garrett: I don't know, man. I mean, we're here. You might as well change it to something impressive.
Mateo: You're right. This is my Tonya Harding moment, and I've gotta claw my way to the top. Okay. 121. It's a little less obvious.


 ‘District Manager’ Quotes

Quote from Amy

Jonah: I... It's tough.
Amy: Come on, you went to business school. Can't you just track down some wasteful spending?
Jonah: It's not like there's a line item for wasteful spending.
Amy: Well, let's think outside the box or cut the pork. Like, that's a thing, right?
Jonah: Those are words, yes.

Quote from Mateo

Mateo: My UPM score is a five.
Garrett: A five? Even I got a 30.
Mateo: Well, you have better hand-eye coordination. I can't be wasting my time playing Star Trek video games all day.
Garrett: Uh, it's Star Wars.
Mateo: Same diff. They're just ugly people floating in space.
Garrett: Yeah, they're not floating in space. They're on planets most of the time. That's just an ignorant comment.

Quote from Myrtle

Jonah: You know, a lot of people think women make better bosses than men. It's like they say, uh... Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did but backwards and in high heels.
Myrtle: That's total crap. When did Ginger dance backwards?
Jonah: Oh, uh, it's just an expression.
Myrtle: They danced in circles or side by side.
Marcus: You're only defending her because she's a woman. That's sexism.
Amy: If she was a man, there's no way we'd be standing around talking about her appearance.
Jonah: Exactly.
Myrtle: Name one picture where Ginger Rogers was better than Rita Hayworth.
Jonah: I don't know any.
Myrtle: Ginger Rogers was nothing.
Marcus: Come on, man. Big Time. Top Hat. Swinging Down to Rio. You froze up, dude.