Garrett Quote #162

Quote from Garrett in Black Friday

Dina: All right, I'm calling it. Time of death, 11:13 p.m. Just let it all burn.
Garrett: Wait, we're just gonna leave?
Cheyenne: It was your idea to bail.
Garrett: Yeah, I suggest that every Friday. Even you, Dina? You said you'd never give up.
Dina: I also said I'd never vomit on a toddler's head. Lot of firsts today.
Garrett: Hold up. Wait. Yo, I don't like working here.
Amy: Okay.
Garrett: But it's my job. I do the bare minimum, but I don't do less than that. And I'm not about to let a bunch of deal-hungry rubes trash our store and make me feel bad for Dina, which I did not think was possible. So I'ma get out there, and I'ma finish my shift. And yeah, I'ma cut corners, and I'ma phone it in, but it'll never be said that Garrett McNeill did not do just enough to not get fired.


 ‘Black Friday’ Quotes

Quote from Garrett

Garrett: [sighs] All right. Let me just finish this announcement.
Dina: Fine, but the second you're done, I want you on register three.
Garrett: The second I'm done. [over PA] You can also view thousands of movies on the Halo Fog. I will now list some of the movies that are probably on there. Mrs. Doubtfire, Silence of the Lambs, that one where Nicolas Cage switches faces and says he's gonna eat a peach for hours... Ooh, Forrest Gump. That's a good movie.

Quote from Dina

Dina: Hey, I need you to work the register while Tim's in the bathroom.
Garrett: Nah, I don't do registers.
Dina: Look, I know that it's really the hip thing for you millennials to not give a crap...
Garrett: That's not true, and we're the same age, but please, go on.
Dina: It's all hands on deck, so quit your Myspacing and get on the register. That's an order.

Quote from Garrett

Garrett: [over PA] Attention, Cloud 9 shoppers. Apparently Black Friday has begun. From all of us here at Cloud 9, have a great Purge.