Cheyenne Quote #81

Quote from Cheyenne in Grand Re-Opening

Amy: Look, we can always redo stuff tomorrow, so for now, it's better to do things fast and bad than slow and good.
Cheyenne: But fast and good is better.
Amy: What are you doing?
Cheyenne: What? Fast and good is better than fast and bad.
Amy: Yes, but for now, we're gonna prioritize speed.
Cheyenne: Okay. I'm... I'm prioritizing both.
Amy: You can't prioritize both!


 ‘Grand Re-Opening’ Quotes

Quote from Glenn

Glenn: [on recording] Hi, I'm Glenn. This is my voice.
Glenn: How come no one ever told me that I sounded like that?
Amy: We thought you knew.
Glenn: But that's not how I sound on the inside! On the inside, I sound like, "Hi, I'm Glenn."
Jonah: That's the same voice.
Glenn: Not what you hear. What I hear.

Quote from Sandra

Mateo: What am I going to say to Jeff? He never called me back.
Cheyenne: Maybe he didn't get the message. Maybe he couldn't hear you over the tornado.
Mateo: Well, I don't even know if I want him to have heard me. It's complicated.
Cheyenne: Mm.
Sandra: My boyfriend Jerry got hit in the head by a mailbox during the tornado. He's been in a coma ever since. I visit him every day to read to him. I'm on the fifth Harry Potter book, and...
Cheyenne: Ooh! You know what we could do? Maybe we could do a test in front of one of those big fans to see if he could hear you.
Mateo: God, that's an amazing idea! [both walk off]
Sandra: He's off the breathing tube. So, that's good.

Quote from Garrett

Jonah: Okay, roomie.
Garrett: Oh. House rules. Do not touch my video game stuff. No talking during Game of Thrones. No cooking fish. And leave me out of your coffee-making process.
Jonah: I'll have to, because it's a French single press.
Garrett: I do not like fragrant soaps. On Wednesday, my Black friends come over, so do not be around. What else? Parking spots. You don't get one.