Jonah Quote #141

Quote from Jonah in Black Friday

Jonah: I-I don't mean to rush you, but you see yourself being done anytime soon?
Amy: No, I'm waiting for you to be done.
Jonah: Well, that's unfortunate, because I was waiting for you, so...
Amy: [sighs] God.


 ‘Black Friday’ Quotes

Quote from Garrett

Garrett: [sighs] All right. Let me just finish this announcement.
Dina: Fine, but the second you're done, I want you on register three.
Garrett: The second I'm done. [over PA] You can also view thousands of movies on the Halo Fog. I will now list some of the movies that are probably on there. Mrs. Doubtfire, Silence of the Lambs, that one where Nicolas Cage switches faces and says he's gonna eat a peach for hours... Ooh, Forrest Gump. That's a good movie.

Quote from Dina

Dina: Hey, I need you to work the register while Tim's in the bathroom.
Garrett: Nah, I don't do registers.
Dina: Look, I know that it's really the hip thing for you millennials to not give a crap...
Garrett: That's not true, and we're the same age, but please, go on.
Dina: It's all hands on deck, so quit your Myspacing and get on the register. That's an order.

Quote from Garrett

Garrett: [over PA] Attention, Cloud 9 shoppers. Apparently Black Friday has begun. From all of us here at Cloud 9, have a great Purge.