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Quote from Dina in Prize Wheel

Dina: I can't believe people refuse to follow one simple rule.
Mateo: Yeah, maybe because that rule was really insane? This job is hard enough. People need to talk, to vent, to feel heard. It's like they're emotionally constipated, and some of them are very physically bloated as well.
Dina: What, so because I'm manager, I have to help people poop their emotions all over the place?
Mateo: You know what? Glenn's still in the parking lot, and honestly, he lives for this stuff. Maybe people can go out there and, you know, he can handle that part of the job.
Dina: Uh-uh, no way. I don't need Glenn's help. If listening is part of the job description, then I'm gonna be like... [silent and still]
Mateo: Like what?
Dina: Like that. I was listening.

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