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Quote from Amy in Playdate

Cheyenne: Hold on. I have to say as a mom, I think that putting babies in an obstacle course sounds pretty hilarious.
Amy: We're not putting our babies through an obstacle course.
Glenn: Yeah, besides, it's not fair to make Parker prove himself against Rose.
Amy: Excuse me?
Glenn: Hmm?
Amy: You don't think Parker could beat Rose?
Jonah: Parker would destroy Rose in an obstacle course.
Glenn: [scoffs] Okay.
Amy: Uh, yeah, he would because he spends all day at a day care center running around with other kids while poor, little Rosie sits at home with an old schoolmarm.
Glenn: [stands up] What did you just say?
Jonah: You heard her. Or is your hearing starting to go?
Glenn: A little. But it is on, Buster Brown.
Amy: Great. Mateo, set up the obstacle course. And just to be clear, I really appreciate Jerusha watching Parker.
Glenn: No problem! She loves it.

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