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Quote from Mateo in Sandra's Wedding

Cheyenne: Tough night, huh?
Mateo: [laughs] What are you talking about? I love being stuck back here, tied to this wall. My little friend. Plus, my phone died, and Eric hasn't been by in an hour, so...
Cheyenne: Yeah.
Mateo: He left, didn't he?
Cheyenne: [nods] I'm sorry.
Mateo: I don't blame him. It's my fault. I don't know what I was thinking, trying to get into a normal relationship. It was going so well, you know, that I forgot about all this. It's just too much to ask him to deal with, you know?
Cheyenne: Well, I can stay here with you, and we can watch Lasagna Bear on my phone.
Mateo: I watched it. It's just a bear eating a lasagna. I don't know what I was expecting.
Cheyenne: Yeah, the internet has gotten so bad.
Mateo: Yeah, I think it's over.
Eric: Sorry to interrupt, but I was wondering if you wanted to dance.

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