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Quote from Marcus in Favoritism

Amy: All right, let's continue with hypothetical scenarios. Uh, Mateo, if I were to ask you to file a 1038(b) form, that would require you to...
Mateo: Fax a copy of the incident report along with the updated employee information. Boom.
Amy: Uh, yeah. Okay, uh, good.
Marcus: Hold up, you're forgetting that you have to give Linda in legal a heads up 'cause you need a 1022(c). I've had to deal with a lot of accidents in the warehouse. Especially before Michael was fired. That guy loved his nail gun. And heroin.
Amy: Well, uh, Marcus, that is all very correct.
Cheyenne: Well, Mateo got the first part of the question right, he just biffed the important part.
Mateo: So glad you're here, Cheyenne.

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