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Quote from Amy in Cloud 9 Academy

Cheyenne: It's just that when you beat up that dog, it really traumatized those deaf kids.
Amy: I will try not to do that again. Um... can we circle back to your absences?
Cheyenne: Well, I only skip work because you're always telling racist jokes and always making me sit on your lap during performance reviews.
Amy: Okay.
Cheyenne: And I'm not the only one. Sheila told me that you're always making her give you back rubs. Right, Sheila?
Sheila: Um... yeah.
Amy: Sheila.
Terence: She did the same thing to me. Then she put her fingers in my mouth.
Amy: Look, if we can just make up whatever we want about everyone, well, then Sheila, you put a bomb in your locker. Boom. And Terrence, you stole $40 billion from the cash register. And Cheyenne, you're going to jail, because you poisoned the Danishes, and now Gary's gonna die. Boo-hoo. You're fired.

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