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Quote from Glenn in Angels and Mermaids

Glenn: 20,000, for the most beautiful gift... Okay, I ran out of space again. I'm just gonna void this, and I'll do another one.
Dina: [sighs] It doesn't have to be perfect.
Glenn: No, I am not starting out this journey with a mistake. Here, you can fill out the forms while I write another one.
Dina: Forms? "Gestational surrogacy agreement." You're making me sign a contract?
Glenn: It's what they say you're supposed to do.
Dina: "Regular checkups," "custody release..." Okay, wait, you think I want to steal your kid? And then what? Have to spend years explaining why it's good thing to be chosen last for dodgeball?
Glenn: No, it's just better safe than sorry.
Dina: No, no, no, that's fine, that's fine. You know what? I am gonna give this a read, and I'll let you know if I have any thoughts.
Glenn: It should be fine. It was the first one on Google.

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