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Quote from Amy in High Volume Store

Dina: What's happening?
Mateo: Did we hit our goal?
Amy: No, guys. This has to be a mistake. We're like thousands under.
Kelly: No, we're not. I couldn't stop him.
Bo: Hell yeah. Hot tub, son. Ha-ha! Like we always dreamed of. It's gonna be like living in a Holiday Inn Express.
Cheyenne: We can't afford a hot tub.
Bo: We got 20 grand now. That's literally an infinite amount of money.
Amy: No, Bo, you have to return that right now.
Dina: Can't. It's a floor model. No returns.
Garrett: So what does that mean?
Dina: Congrats. We're officially Quad-A. May God have mercy on us all.

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