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Quote from Glenn in Grand Re-Opening

Glenn: Anyways, I've been doing a lot of soul-searching since the tornado, and...
Construction Worker: Coming through!
Glenn: Almost got me there. And... and it's been raising some big questions for me. [construction workers cut through] Questions like... [more construction workers cut through] Questions that...
[cut to Glenn addressing the staff in the break room:]
Glenn: Why did the tornado hit us? And why did it stop when I prayed to Allah? And why...
Cheyenne: Ah! Sorry. I almost fell.
[cut to Glenn addressing the staff in the parking lot:]
Glenn: Does that mean that Allah is the one true god? Or that Allah and Jesus are the same god? [truck reverses] Or... or that they're different gods, but with varying responsibilities?
[cut to Glenn addressing the employees behind the store:]
Glenn: What's the meaning of... [jackhammer buzzing] What's the... [jackhammer buzzing]
[cut to Glenn standing by the side of a "Deer Crossing" road sign:]
Glenn: So that's what I've been thinking about. Anyone else have thoughts on that? [silence] Okay, then. Let's get to work!
Jonah: What was that, a 20-minute walk?
Mateo: 23.
Dina: Remember, single file when we cross the highway.
Glenn: Are we cloud one?
All: No.

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