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Quote from Cheyenne in Lowell Anderson

Lowell Anderson: You know, people like to call me the Elon Musk of big-box stores, but to me, he's the Lowell Anderson of, you know, whatever it is he does. [bites into apple] Yuck, that's mealy.
Cheyenne: Mm. Actually, I just remembered, um, it's almost lunchtime. You probably have to head out to some fancy fish and strawberries place.
Lowell Anderson: Oh, no. I got all day. Yeah, when I visit my stores, I like to get involved. You know, really roll up my sleeves.
Cheyenne: Oh, cool. I bet your elbows are rad.
Lowell Anderson: Oh, hold on. Oh, look at that. That customer couldn't get a feel for that blender because of all this damn packaging. You know, the customer wants to have a hands-on experience with the product, but... You know what? Let's take everything out of the boxes.
Cheyenne: Everything? Like in the whole store? Maybe we should talk the idea through before we decide if it's... good.
Lowell Anderson: You know, I don't really expect you to grasp this kind of out-of-the-box thinking, but I'll tell you what. Just for now, let's go with my idea. And once you build a billion-dollar company, we'll go with one of your ideas. [blows nose in a towel] All right, let's empty these boxes.
Cheyenne: Ew!

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