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Quote from Jeff in Zephra Cares

Amy: And this is the break room. Um... Oh, I... I noticed that there was always a really long line at the toaster, so I bought another one. Which, you know, I think people appreciated.
Jeff: I think you got your headline there, "Manager buys toaster."
Amy: That's helpful, Jeff. Thank you. Oh, and also, I know how hard it is to eat healthy during long shifts, so I keep this cabinet full of healthy snacks for everyone.
Jeff: Oof, that cabinet is pretty full. Seems like people would rather die than eat that stuff.
Amy: Well, I just replenished it.
Jeff: Yeah, and thank you for the healthy seaweed snack, SpongeBob. Just messing with you, SpongeBob.
Amy: Sorry, I'm... I'm SpongeBob? Is...

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