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Quote from Amy in Myrtle

Jonah: I can't be the guy that keeps this money, right? I don't even know why I have it.
Amy: 'Cause you're the sweet prince.
Jonah: [sighs] I'm just gonna give it back to the family. Then they'll have the money and everyone here will know that I'm just like a regular man of the people.
Amy: The people would never turn down $1,000. Everybody here would keep that money. Some would try to steal more of it.
Jonah: Okay, well, then what if I gave it to you? I mean, I'm living in your house. It's the least I can do.
Amy: Yeah, you know, I haven't wanted to say anything, but you do owe me, like, 19 grand, but I'd prefer you pay me back in sex.
Jonah: Mm, that's a lot of sex. Okay, well, how about we just share it, then? We could spend it on something nice, like a trip.
Amy: Ooh, I have always wanted to go to Florida.
Jonah: Like the Florida from the news?
Amy: Well, if you ignore all the people, it's basically Hawaii.

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