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Quote from Marcus in Forced Hire

Jonah: Well, I mean there's always the option of not hooking up with Colleen.
Garrett: Yeah, see, that just doesn't make any sense to me. I...
[Jonah tries to hide when he sees Marcus approaching]
Marcus: J-bone! There you are, buddy. All right, I am ready to talk union. I was thinking we could do it over some hoops. Maybe some one-on-one, a little Horse, or just, like, run some passing drills?
Jonah: Uh, you know what, as... as much as I'd like to, um, to hoop with you, I gotta... Garrett needs me to help with the...
Garrett: No, I don't.
Jonah: Yeah, yeah, the... you know, the... the... the announcement that you...
Garrett: Already did it, man. You're good to go... hoop it up.
Jonah: Oh... great, thanks, friend.
Garrett: Anytime, buddy.
Marcus: Nice, let's do it! Shirts versus skins. I'm wearing a shirt, so...

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