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Quote from Glenn in Shots and Salsa

Glenn: Before we open, I need a volunteer to hand out samples of the new Cloud 9 brand salsa, Senor Cloud.
Mateo: Yes, right here. I'll do it.
Glenn: Yes, perfect, and I don't mean just because you're Mexican.
Mateo: I'm actually Filipino.
Glenn: Okay, let's consider all our options. Um, Amy, I've got a feeling this is right up your alley.
Amy: Because I'm Latina?
Glenn: No, it has nothing to do with race. You just have a certain natural spiciness.
Amy: [chuckles] No.
Glenn: Okay, you know, fine, I'll just, uh, pick someone at random. Eeny, meeny, miney, mo. Jesus saved us long ago. Don't believe me, what a shame. Judgment day you'll be in flames. [points at Carmen]
Amy: The other Latina?
Glenn: What?
Jonah: I could do it.
Dina: That'd be hilarious. You should dress like a matador.
Carmen: Honestly, it's fine. It beats a day of dressing room duty.
Glenn: Thank you. Think fast! Mexico hat!

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