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Quote from Amy in Target

Justine: Wow, he is so hot. Is he a model?
Dina: He's a lawyer, but I think he used to be a skydiving instructor, and he does a lot of charity work.
Justine: That's perfect.
Amy: Who is this?
Justine: Oh, Dina's setting me up with her boyfriend's friend.
Amy: Holy [bleep]
Justine: I know, right? You're all like, lucky bitch.
Amy: Well, I mean, now I wish I was going.
Dina: Okay, Amy's in. Justine, you can eat lunch alone, like always.
Justine: What? Thanks a lot, Amy.
Amy: I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for that to happen.
Dina: Okay, Justine, you're back in.
Amy: No, no, now it's just getting confusing, going back and forth, so I'll just go. You know, just to make it easy.
Justine: You sure?
Amy: Oh, my God, yes.

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