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Quote from Dina in Shoplifter

Dina: I'm a hunter. Some people like to hunt elk, or deer. I hunt people, and your head is going on my wall.
Julie: I didn't steal anything.
Dina: Oh, you didn't? Well, this was easy. Sorry for the mix-up, you can go. Here, let me get you your purse. Oops! Ha ha! Well, well, well, lookie what we've got here.
Emma: That's mine. I came in with it.
Dina: How convenient for you. Well... I guess it's just my word against yours then. If only I had some sort of device right at my fingertips that recorded your illegal activity. [gasps] Oh. If only I could simply press a button, and see that recording. Oh. [video flickers] If only that had worked.

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