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Quote from Mateo in Perfect Store

Mateo: You guys are missing the headline here. The store closing could ruin my life.
Garrett: It's not really a Powerball jackpot for any of us.
Mateo: Yeah, but you guys are citizens. You can get any job you want. I need to start thinking of a backup plan.
Sandra: Tony's looking for someone to feed his sharks. The trick is you have to wiggle the food in the water to make it look alive.
Mateo: Okay, so "food wiggler" is the job to beat.
Garrett: Maybe we should just all ask Carol for money.
Mateo: I mean, I guess it's possible she might need a personal assistant.
Sandra: Maybe. You think she'd be cool with paying you cash under the table?
Mateo: Of course. That's how all rich people pay their immigrants. I bet Dianne Wiest hasn't paid a payroll tax in her entire life.

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