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Quote from Cheyenne in Lowell Anderson

Cheyenne: Uh, I'm sorry for the wait, but we're being told that this is... better.
Lowell Anderson: Yes! This is very exciting for you. You're at the forefront of innovation. You're like those chimps they sent into space.
Cheyenne: Oh, oh, hang on, Elias, let me help you with that. [TV smashes on floor]
Lowell Anderson: Well, this doesn't seem to be working at all.
Cheyenne: Yeah, that's what I said.
Lowell Anderson: Well, there was no way we could have known. All right, here's what I want to try next: Once you get everything back into the boxes, let's get rid of the shelves.
Cheyenne: No! Okay, I'm not doing that. You have really bad ideas, all right? You're not a genius, you're just a rich dick!
Glenn: Cheyenne Taylor Lee. That is no way to talk to Mr. Anderson. Sir, I am so sorry.
Cheyenne: I was just... You was all like... Gah! You know, this is so messed, but your hair looks really good, and if you could text me Trinity's number, that would be great.

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