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Quote from Glenn in Lowell Anderson

Glenn: Do you like it? I mean, please, be honest.
Lowell Anderson: I don't. It's bad. And honestly, I find it a little odd that you would get a haircut in the middle of a workday.
Glenn: Wait, you said that I should...
Lowell Anderson: Now, about this Cheyenne person. I assume you're gonna write her up, remind her who's in charge.
Glenn: I-I don't think that's necessary. I mean, she knows who's in charge. I've got the good clipboard.
Lowell Anderson: No consequences, hmm? Like father, like son. Glenn, I'm gonna tell you something painful, but you need to know. I didn't exactly buy your dad dinner that night. Truth is, that night, I offered your dad a chance to save his store. I told him I'd stop underselling him if he could prove he could run with the big dogs by eating a can of dog food. It was very funny.
Glenn: What's the funny part?
Lowell Anderson: Well, he ate the dog food, and I closed his store anyway. I mean, you get it?
Glenn: I can see why dad changed some details about that evening.
Lowell Anderson: Glenn, there are two kinds of people in this world. Weak people, who eat dog food, and strong people, who make them eat it. Now, what kind are you?
Glenn: Are we sure there's just the two?

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