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Quote from Jonah in Conspiracy

Garrett: Hey, man, did you text Randy?
Jonah: Uh, well, I tried to. I asked him if he remembered me being mad when I came home that night, but I just got a "Sorry, wrong number" text.
Garrett: Yeah, you texted him 12 times in 3 minutes. He texted you that so you would stop.
Jonah: Oh, okay, so then he's obviously still feeling bad about it.
Garrett: Feeling bad? No, Randy does not remember, okay? Randy barely even remembers watching Dune. Randy smokes a lot of weed. Leave him alone.
Jonah: Okay, fine, but I'm not gonna apologize for caring, okay? You're an important person in my life, Garrett. A lot of men are scared to say things like that, but not me. I'll tell you exactly how much you mean to me to your face.
Garrett: Please don't.
Jonah: Too late. I'm already doing it. I value your taste in music. Okay?
Garrett: Oh, boy.
Jonah: Sometimes I save screenshots of texts that you send me.
Garrett: What, why would you do that?
Jonah: I don't know. To... To revisit them and laugh or to send them back to you at the perfect moment, like June 12, 2018... Eye roll, "I'm never getting married." You think I'm not gonna throw that back at you at your wedding?

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